Tag: personality styles

Stop Communicating and Start Connecting (Video)

Imagine communicating more efficiently with your clients while increasing productivity. KMMDISC Consulting conducts behavioral assessments that are designed to help improve productivity and communication by teaching individuals to leverage their personality traits and achieve success in working with others. This workshop will focus on gaining a full understanding of the DISC Model which brings a […]

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5 Words NOT to say when selling to a Supportive Personality Style

5 Words NOT to say when selling to a Supportive Personality Style

You know how Hershey Park is the “sweetest place on earth?” Well, the S, or the Supportive Personality types are the sweetest people on earth. These folks are concerned about building relationships. They are fiercely loyal.  They define the phrase “team player.” Sounds like an easy sell, right? Not really. You’ve heard me say, certain […]

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