Tag: personality styles

What Your Favorite Olympic Event Says About Your Personality 🥇

What Your Favorite Olympic Event Says About Your Personality 🥇

Picture this: you’re comfortably seated, remote in hand, browsing through various Olympic events. Suddenly, one sport grabs your attention. According to the DISC Model of Human Behavior, each of us has a unique personality style, shaping our behaviors and preferences. Could your style—Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive, or Cautious—be the reason behind your choice? Let’s embark on […]

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3 Myths of Workplace Conflict, Busted!💥

3 Myths of Workplace Conflict, Busted!💥

There is A LOT to say about workplace conflict and the best way to navigate it. I could also name at least ten misunderstandings about what conflict means. I want to highlight what I’ve heard over and over from my clients (and from personal experience) and narrow it down to three. All Conflict Is Negative Well, […]

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4 Major Obstacles to Effective Listening 👂

4 Major Obstacles to Effective Listening 👂

I’ll be honest, I tend to have Shiny Object Syndrome ~ SQUIRREL! Did it ever get me into trouble with a manager or client? Yep. I’ve had to work hard over the years, to be present and hone my listening skills. “Unfortunately most people don’t remember because they don’t hear it in the first place.” […]

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Having Personality Clashes On Your Team?

Having Personality Clashes On Your Team?

  “A personality clash occurs when two (or more) people find themselves in conflict not over a particular issue or incident, but due to a fundamental incompatibility in their personalities, their approaches to things, or their style of life.”In a word – Dysfunction. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀These clashes are nothing new. We’ve seen that some employees are impossible to work with […]

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3 Ways To Remove Yourself From Office Drama

3 Ways To Remove Yourself From Office Drama

“Conflict can’t survive without your participation” – Wayne Dyer Ouch! But he knew what he was talking about. Does your office (or ZOOM) seem like the set of a reality show? Chances are someone there THRIVES on drama. Is it YOU? Or do your shoulders crawl up and over your ears when you find yourself in this […]

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