10 Ways That Squirrels Are Hurting Your Sales

10 Ways That Squirrels Are Hurting Your Sales

How many times have you found yourself starting one project and ended up with 10 more unfinished ones? Truth be told, I sat down to write this article over a month ago and “Squirrel!”  That was the end of that. Shiny Object Syndrome is defined as: the attraction to objects that exhibit a glassy, polished, gleaming or […]

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Why can’t we all get along?

Why can’t we all get along?

Conflict: a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one; be incompatible or at variance; clash. We all know how important good team communication is. We all strive to work in a harmonious environment. But – that’s not reality. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Conflict can arise between employees, employees and managers, employees and customers. […]

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Are you presenting with the right style?

Are you presenting with the right style?

Ah, the dreaded sales presentation. You’ve practiced. You’re wearing your best suit. The copies are collated. You even brought in lunch. What’s the #1 rule when preparing a presentation?  Wait for it……KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE! Okay, got it. But how well do you know them? Chances are if you’re presenting to a group of salespeople, you have […]

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Are you making the sale?

Are you making the sale?

You’ve got the goods, you’ve got the pitch, you even bought one for yourself. But why are your customers walking away, or “thinking about it?” So, you’re a D – Dominant personality style. You want to close this deal – like yesterday. Also, you love the challenge of blowing away your quota for the month. […]

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