Tag: persuasion

How DISC Diffuses Conflict – VIDEO

We all strive to work in a harmonious environment. But – that’s not reality. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Conflict can arise between employees, employees and managers, employees and customers. The result? A decrease in productivity; an increase in stress; a potentially hostile environment and a loss in sales. Don’t get me wrong. Conflict […]

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How the DISC Personality Test Improves Sales Teams – VIDEO

There’s one thing that remains constant: CHANGE. Every day, in every organization, people change, their needs change, and the dynamics of selling needs to change along with it. So, how do you adapt your selling style to these ever-changing needs? The DISC Model helps you identify your own personality characteristics and preferences. You can leverage […]

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Are you presenting with the right style?

Are you presenting with the right style?

Ah, the dreaded sales presentation. You’ve practiced. You’re wearing your best suit. The copies are collated. You even brought in lunch. What’s the #1 rule when preparing a presentation?  Wait for it……KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE! Okay, got it. But how well do you know them? Chances are if you’re presenting to a group of salespeople, you have […]

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