by Kathy Marcino | Jul 10, 2020 | BLOG, Leadership
Re-entry can be tricky.Not sure about you, but when I hear the word “re-entry”, I immediately picture a space shuttle hurling towards the earth’s atmosphere at warp-speed with intense heat. I can’t even wrap my head around the logistics required to pull this off safely and smoothly. What I do know, is the success of […]
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by Kathy Marcino | May 12, 2020 | BLOG, Conflict, Leadership, Sales
Yes! Well, they are killing mine. I don’t know about you, but I have NEVER been this exhausted at the end of a day than I have been these last few months. I have used ZOOM in the past, as I work with clients all over the world, but never to this extent, every day, […]
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by Kathy Marcino | Mar 16, 2020 | BLOG, Conflict, Leadership
Well, you need a plan – and fast. There are many businesses with productive teams that have been working remotely, and successfully, for some time. But what if this is a brand-new concept for you and your employees? Obviously, this pandemic will impact the dynamics of your team. How will they communicate, work in the home, […]
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by Kathy Marcino | Oct 1, 2018 | BLOG, Leadership, Sales
We are entering the fourth quarter of 2018, you are the sales manager, the quarterback – there are three months left in the year. Just like in the 4th quarter of the big football game you are in charge of leading your team to victory. When the clock runs out, for you, on December 31st, […]
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by Kathy Marcino | Mar 23, 2017 | Leadership
Imagine communicating more efficiently with your clients while increasing productivity. KMMDISC Consulting conducts behavioral assessments that are designed to help improve productivity and communication by teaching individuals to leverage their personality traits and achieve success in working with others. This workshop will focus on gaining a full understanding of the DISC Model which brings a […]
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by Kathy Marcino | Feb 7, 2017 | Leadership
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