by Kathy Marcino | Sep 25, 2020 | BLOG
Negative people drain me.Have you ever felt this way about a co-worker? I know I have!Well, if they’ve decided that they are not going anywhere soon, you’re going to have to work together. Here’s the bummer: you worked hard to get where you are, and you can’t let ONE negative Nelly (or Ned) drag you down.Before you continue […]
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by Kathy Marcino | May 12, 2020 | BLOG, Conflict, Leadership, Sales
Yes! Well, they are killing mine. I don’t know about you, but I have NEVER been this exhausted at the end of a day than I have been these last few months. I have used ZOOM in the past, as I work with clients all over the world, but never to this extent, every day, […]
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by Kathy Marcino | Mar 16, 2020 | BLOG, Conflict, Leadership
Well, you need a plan – and fast. There are many businesses with productive teams that have been working remotely, and successfully, for some time. But what if this is a brand-new concept for you and your employees? Obviously, this pandemic will impact the dynamics of your team. How will they communicate, work in the home, […]
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by Kathy Marcino | Feb 4, 2019 | BLOG
Hiring for a new manager? Instituting a Leadership Development Program? Assessment can be key to human resources and candidates so they understand leadership styles. But, often Human Resource Managers are stuck as they do not know how to administer an assessment and then discuss results with prospects. Personality tests and assessments still hold incredible […]
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