Month: September 2015

Adversity is preparation for greatness!

Adversity is preparation for greatness!

The experiences we face in life can sometimes seem strange. What we are taught in school helps to prepare us for a specific vocation or profession. We also learn from our environment, our family and our friends. But, perhaps one of the greatest teachers of all is a friend that we often fail to recognize. […]

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MBTI vs DISC (DISC compared to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

MBTI vs DISC (DISC compared to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)

There are many technical articles that compare DISC to MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) , and various conclusions are made by each author. This article is intended to be brief and basic. You already are aware that we use DISC in our personality assessments and profile reports, and it is obviously our behavioral model of choice. […]

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