Tag: success role

Does your Job Spark Revenue?

Does your Job Spark Revenue?

So, when I hear the phrase “spring cleaning”, I cringe. It’s not that I love to co-habitate with dust bunnies, the thought of it just overwhelms me. Does that mean I haven’t cleaned since winter? And yes, “Winter is Coming” (season 8 finally!) Marie Kondo, a tidying-up ninja and author, has taken the world by […]

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Are You In The Right Role?

Are You In The Right Role?

➡️ FACT: You can be successful. ➡️ FICTION: You can be successful at everything you set out to do. We all have natural strengths and talents – those characteristics and tendencies that just come naturally. Your colleague might make the job look effortless, while you struggle just to start. You need to be honest with […]

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