Learn with Kathy
What Are Your Business Challenges?
No matter how large or small your company, typical business challenges include:
Managing and Motivating Employees
Increasing Profitability
increasing Revenue
Do you know the common denominator of ALL business challenges? PEOPLE.
In my experience closing multi-million dollar deals, I have learned such business challenges are rooted in miscommunication.
For example, do you have a high-performing employee or team member who seems disgruntled? What if they’re not disgruntled at all, but a little cautious, and doesn’t feel comfortable making a decision without more details? Or maybe they’re highly interactive and feel like there’s too much data and not enough human interest.
Neither are wrong; they just have their own preferred communication style.
The way in which each behavioral style prefers to give and receive information varies greatly. That’s where the DISC personality tool can help. It shows where you and your team members fall in the spectrum of 4 Personality “Styles” – “Dominant,” “Inspiring,” “Supportive,” and “Cautious.”

Individual and/or group coaching sessions are customized to fit YOUR specific business needs and are provided onsite or in a remote setting:
Relationships At Work: Stop Communicating and Start Connecting
Imagine being able to communicate more effectively with your clients while increasing productivity. During this interactive presentation, Kathy shares an overview of the DISC Behavioral Assessment and engages audience members with a short sampling of what it is and how it works. Participants will learn the four personality types along with factors that improve communication and relationships.
Managing Conflict In The Workplace
If you have employees, you’re going to have conflict. It’s that simple. To enhance communication is to understand all points of view. Everyone has a unique personality, along with behaviors and preferences. Not all Conflict Is NEGATIVE. In fact, it can really be a catalyst for growth in your organization.
What you’ll learn:
*What happens when you bring a new person onto the team?
*Discover internal wants/needs of each team member
*Tools to Reduce & Prevent Conflict
*Strategies to improve team performance