Tag: presentation skills

How the DISC Personality Test Improves Sales Teams – VIDEO

There’s one thing that remains constant: CHANGE. Every day, in every organization, people change, their needs change, and the dynamics of selling needs to change along with it. So, how do you adapt your selling style to these ever-changing needs? The DISC Model helps you identify your own personality characteristics and preferences. You can leverage […]

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5 Words NOT to say when selling to a Supportive Personality Style

5 Words NOT to say when selling to a Supportive Personality Style

You know how Hershey Park is the “sweetest place on earth?” Well, the S, or the Supportive Personality types are the sweetest people on earth. These folks are concerned about building relationships. They are fiercely loyal.  They define the phrase “team player.” Sounds like an easy sell, right? Not really. You’ve heard me say, certain […]

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It’s not me…it’s you (the customer)

It’s not me…it’s you (the customer)

Have you ever said the exact same thing to 2 different people and got 2 different answers? Ever wonder, “Why did she say that?” or “Why did he react that way?”  They’re not trying to make you mad (well?…), they just “heard” you differently. We know the best way for us to communicate is by […]

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