Tag: personal development

What Makes A Business Partnership Successful?

What Makes A Business Partnership Successful?

“First of all, let’s be honest. The number of businesses that fold due to bad partnerships is staggering. In some cases, they are charlatans, in others – inept business people, and others find themselves unable to scale with any growth.”  Michael Gerber I love this quote. Maybe because of the word “charlatan’. I think I […]

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How Human Resource Managers Can Effectively Use Assessments

How Human Resource Managers Can Effectively Use Assessments

  Hiring for a new manager? Instituting a Leadership Development Program? Assessment can be key to human resources and candidates so they understand leadership styles.   But, often Human Resource Managers are stuck as they do not know how to administer an assessment and then discuss results with prospects.  Personality tests and assessments still hold incredible […]

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Are You In The Right Role?

Are You In The Right Role?

➡️ FACT: You can be successful. ➡️ FICTION: You can be successful at everything you set out to do. We all have natural strengths and talents – those characteristics and tendencies that just come naturally. Your colleague might make the job look effortless, while you struggle just to start. You need to be honest with […]

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How DISC Diffuses Conflict – VIDEO

We all strive to work in a harmonious environment. But – that’s not reality. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Conflict can arise between employees, employees and managers, employees and customers. The result? A decrease in productivity; an increase in stress; a potentially hostile environment and a loss in sales. Don’t get me wrong. Conflict […]

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